
Sunday, October 12, 2008


Now this sounds like something the government should make other banks do, work with their troubled loans to keep these people in their homes & stop all this craziness that the banks created!
Daily Real Estate News October 6, 2008
Bank of America Will Modify Troubled Loans
Bank of America on Monday said it is launching a "home retention program" on Dec. 1 to modify troubled mortgages for nearly 400,000 customers of Countrywide Financial Corp. Bank of America acquired Countrywide on July 1. The program, which can reduce up to $8.4 billion in interest payments and principal, was developed in partnership with state Attorneys General to help borrowers that financed their homes with subprime loans or adjustable rate mortgages. The goal is to "help as many Countrywide customers as possible stay in their homes," says Barbara Desoer, president, Bank of America Mortgage, Home Equity and Insurance Services.The centerpiece of the program is a proactive loan modification process to provide relief to borrowers who are seriously delinquent or are likely to become seriously delinquent as a result of rate resets or payment recasts. For more information, visit Bank of America's Web site. Source: Bank of America

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